Monday, 28 December 2009 <3
You are too much for me to lose
Endlessly I love you
My blood still runs just because of you
You are too much for me to lose
Endlessly I love you
You're my shine
You're my rain
When comes the day of my destiny
Without you I won't leave
You're the shining light in the middle of the dark
You're the rain in my withered heart
Tuesday, 22 December 2009 My current drugs.
Friday, 18 December 2009 ...
Prata aldrig om dina känslor, om dom inte finns där.
Ta aldrig min hand, om du ändå kommer släppa den.
Titta aldrig i mina ögon, om allt du säger är en lögn.
Sunday, 13 December 2009 Plastic Man
wish I can be the one you could be proud of.
I'm losing heart again,
wish I could show you what you think I'm made of.
Someday I know I'll find my place,
Someday I know this pain will fade.
I am a perfect cell,
just wrap me up with a bow and flowers.
I will neglect to tell,
I'll sell your story that we love each other.
Someday I know I'll find my place,
someday I know this pain will fade.
Someday I know I'll find my place,
someday I'll sing my last refrain.
Why don't you let me be,
and I'll pretend I'm well.
'Cause you're blind to see,
and I'm too tired to tell.
And in your apathy,
your head begins to swell.
Another tragedy,
but you're too cold to feel.
Someday I know I'll find my place,
someday I know this pain will fade.
Someday I know I'll find my place,
someday I'll sing my last refrain.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009 Welcome Home.
You could have been all I wanted
But you weren't honest
Now get in the ground
You choked off the surest of favors
But if you really loved me
You would have endured my world
Well if you're just as I presumed
A whore in sheep's clothing
Fucking up all I do
And if so here we stop
Then never again
Will you see this in your life.
Hang on to the glory at my right hand
Here laid to rest, is our love ever longed.
With truth on the shores of confession
You seem to take premise to all of these songs
You stormed off to scar the armada
Like Jesus bled later
I'll drill through your hands
The stone for the curse you have blamed me
With love and devotion I'll die as you sleep
But if you could just write me out
To neverless wonder, happy will I become
Be true that this is no option
So with sin condemn you
Demon play, demon out!
Hang on to the glory at my right hand
Here laid to rest is our love ever longed.
With truth on the shores of compassion
You seem to take premise to all of these songs.
One last kiss for you
One more wish to you
Please make up your mind girl
I'd do anything for you
One last kiss for you
One more wish to you
Please make up your mind girl
Before I hope you die
Tuesday, 20 October 2009 ...
I saw how the whole place was on fire, I saw myself burn and I saw my closest friends burn. And there was nothing I could do to help them!
I swear that I could feel the smell of smoke when I woke. And thats not really helping me sleep.
This is where i also mention that i've had dreams, that I had a deja vu of IRL.
For real, really. I'm not shitting you.
Guess why I'm so freaked out
Wednesday, 14 October 2009 God damn it.
But I've failed.
This is just to darn good.
Thursday, 1 October 2009 Vuxenpoäng?
Dagens pris; ca 2200kr
Hejhej ångest.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009 3 Metallica covers!
Please note that no band can ever do a Metallica track better than Metallica! :P
First out; Staind - Nothing Else Matters
If you ask me, this is an truly epic cover! It's perfect in pretty much every way!
Next one is; Limp Bizkit - Sanitarium (Welcome Home)
Even thou I don't like Limp Bizkit at all, I'll have to give them kudos for this cover. It's a damned good cover, specially since it's done in their own style and overall actually sounds good.
And last; Sum 41 - Metallica Medley
(For Whom the Bell Tolls, Enter Sandman, Master of Puppets)
This works for me aswell, in the sense that it's done in their own, more punk-ish, style.
And yes, this is a totally pointless post due to lack of anything else to rant about.
Monday, 7 September 2009 "I'm sorry but I ain't gonna change my ways"
I'm sorry for the times that I made you scream
for the times that I killed your dreams
for the times that I made your whole world rumble
for the times that I made you cry
for the times that I told you lies
for the times that I watched and let you stumble
It's too bad, but that's me
what goes around comes around, you'll see
that I can carry the burden of pain
'cause it ain't the first time that a man goes insane
and when I spread my wings to embrace him for life
I'm suckin' out his love, 'cause I, I'll never be nobody's wife
I'm sorry for the times that I didn't come home
left you lyin' in that bed alone
was flyin' high in the sky when you needed my shoulder
you're like a stone hangin' round my neck, see
cut it loose before it breaks my back, see
I've gotta say what I feel before I grow older
I'm sorry but I ain't gonna change my ways
you know I've tried but I'm still the same
I've got to do it my own way
It's too bad, but hey, that's me
what goes around comes around, you'll see
that I can carry the burden of pain
'cause it ain't the first time that a man goes insane
and when I spread my wings to embrace him for life
I'm suckin' out his love, I, I'll never be nobody's wife
It's too bad, but hey, that's me
what goes around comes around, you'll see
that I can carry the burden of pain
'cause it ain't the first time that a man goes insane
and when I spread my wings to embrace him for life
I'm suckin' out his love, I, I'll never be nobody's wife
Friday, 4 September 2009 Fuskblogg.
Nämn något som gjorde dig glad igår: Att jag sov som en gris till 15:00.
Vad gjorde du kl 08 imorse: Försökte sova.
Vad gjorde du för 15 minuter sedan: Bokade biljetter till Mustasch. Ok, Det var Irre som bokade, men jag satt i telefonen med henne under tiden.
Det sista du sa högt: Desamma, hej.
Det senaste någon sa till dig: Puss och kram och nyp på stjärten!
Vad har du druckit idag: Monster.
Vad var det senaste du åt: Halvsunkiga chips.
Vad var det senaste du köpte: Mat.
Vad är det för färg på din ytterdörr: Brun.
Vad är det för väder hos dig nu: Svensk sommar!
Godaste glassmaken: Allt med Ben & Jerry's, eller Päron.
Tror du på kärlek vid första ögonkastet: Nej, men attraktion.
Sover du tungt: Ungefär en gång per år eller så.
Drömmer du mardrömmar: Det är mardrömmarna som drömmer om mig.
Trivs du med ditt jobb: Fd. jobbet; Det funkade. Trevligt folk iallafall.
Favoritklädsel: Mina bondagebyxor, nån bra t-shirt och en mysig hoodie.
Favoritlåt just nu: "Soilwork - Nerve" kommer alltid ha en plats i mitt hjärta, men annars så är "Slipknot - People = Shit" helt ok.
Vad ser du om du tittar till höger: En annan dator.
Vad gör dig glad just nu: Att vi har en kaffekokare.
Vad ska du göra härnäst: Det är ett tufft val mellan att däcka igen, och sova bort resten av dagen, eller göra nått produktivt.
Höger eller vänsterhänt: Högerhänt Foe Lajf.
Humör just nu: Svårt uttråkad, Stört trött med en liten släng av hat.
Favoritgodis: Äter så sällan godis. Men typ.. chips.
Kläder just nu: Mysbyxor och t-shirt.
Sommarplaner: Mina "sommarplaner" är att komma iväg till Rise Against och gå på Mustasch.
Hur många kuddar sover du med: En. Värsta nerköpet. Körde med fyra stycken när jag bodde hemma.
Spelar du något instrument: Guitar Hero.
Morgon- eller nattmänniska: Natt.
Vad är viktigast för dig: "Att nära och kära får må bra. Hur klyschigt det än låter." Kopierar min systers svar här.
Är du kittlig: Prova på egen risk.
Snarkar du: Som en döende gnu.
Stjärntecken: Vädur.
Äckligaste insekten: Tvestjärtar, I don't like them.The little things give you away.
I mean nothin to you
The little things give you away
But now there will be no mistakin
The levees are breakin
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
And six feet, underwater
I do
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
And six feet, underground now
Now I do
Tuesday, 1 September 2009 Jag gav upp för länge sen.
Visst finns det dagar som jag kan vara snäll och låtsas som förut
Och visst finns det dagar som det kan göra ont att se dig ramla häromkring
Det fanns en kärlek men den har brunnit ut
Du fick för stor del av mitt liv, jag kunde inte andas tillslut
Du säger att du minns och att det känns som igår
Men det var för länge sen för att ens komma ihåg
Och jag som trodde jag var kvar, jag har börjat på nytt
Det vet jag när jag ser dig, vart har du tagit vägen
Jag gav upp för länge sen
Jag gav upp för länge sen
Du är kvar med samma folk, kvar med samma man
Lever kvar i samma damm, och du går i samma kläder
Blir glad av samma rus, som en lögn i vackert väder i ett övergivet hus
Det är att leka med eld när du drar upp det här igen
För du ser i mina ögon att jag försvann för länge sen
Det finns ingen att behaga, inget att förklara
Inget att försvara, jag gav upp för länge sen
Jag gav upp för länge sen
Monday, 31 August 2009 I'm Sorry..
I painted a picture of you,
your soul was red and your mind was blue.
Destiny laid a light on my creation.
This dream I had made a slave of my passion,
reality was always too far away.
And we were happy until it came too close one day.
Suddenly I faced the truth of my dream,
my love had only been a picture, a scene.
I suppose I needed to believe,
didn't want to see you had never been close to me.
And I'm sorry,
this illusion has caused you a lot of pain.
And I have no solution,
I'll try to never be back again.
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I painted a picture of you.
My dream was a lie and the lie became truth.
Reality held his breath too long.
It's disgusting what dreams can do to you.
And I'm sorry,
this illusion has caused you a lot of pain.
And I have no solution,
I'll try to never be back again.
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
Thursday, 27 August 2009 You.
No one knows just what has become of her
Shattered doll, desperate
Oh so innocent and delicate
But too damn obdurate
And obstinate to let go
Broken down, hurt again, it never ends
Frightened and trembling
Did she fall again? An accident?
Her eyes encircled in black again
I can't believe that she's still with him
For how long will you try?
How long until you walk away?
Your façade can't disguise
The fact that you're in misery
Look inside see what has become of her
Hiding within again
Can she pick herself up again?
It's just too difficult and arduous to let go
Homicide flashes through her mind again
No more pain, take control
If he raises his hand again
She'll find her freedom in killing him
The world will see that she's had enough
For how long will you try?
How long until you walk away?
Your façade can't disguise
The fact that you're in misery
For how long will you try?
How long until you walk away?
From the look in your eyes
I know you bleed internally
For how long will you deny?
How long until you walk away?
Your façade can't disguise
The fact that you're in misery
For how long will you try?
How long until you walk away?
From the look in your eyes
I know you bleed internally
Broken down, hurt again
It never ends
Tuesday, 18 August 2009 Bleh.
Jag vill härifrån, typ utomlands. I några år.
Johejdu. Drömma kan man ju.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009 Jag bloggar.
Saturday, 8 August 2009 Inte hemma.
Det är rätt jobbigt, mycket minnen och känslor som man ska hålla under kontroll.
Men samtidigt känns det bra att få vara här. Även om det är tufft så tror jag att det behövs.
Wednesday, 5 August 2009 From Heads Unworthy.
These aching cries come from the bottom of our hearts
You can't disown us now, we are your own flesh and blood
And we don't disappear just because your eyes are shut, now tell me
Love, loss
Like a bullet's path
Tear through
The cavity of my chest
Lights out
Because the fuse has blown
As their castles crumble slowly
We watch them fall
Their crown slips from heads unworthy
As we gain control
This is the family that we crossed or never had
This is a war that was lost the day it began
'Cause it's the race we run, but it keeps us at the start
And it's the song I sung from the bottom of my heart, that's how we
Read you
Like a polygraph
Not one
Single bone in your back
Own up
To how you let us down
As their castles crumble slowly
We watch them fall
Their crown slips from heads unworthy
As we gain control
Except for you and me, love
Everyone's the same, we know
But if to live, we have to be numb
I'd rather know the pain, I'd rather know
This happens almost never
But it happened once to me
And this will never be the same
The ends we seam together
I'm not after fame and fortune
I'm after you
When I've served my time I swear I
Will come back for you
As their castles crumble slowly
We watch them fall
Their crown slips from heads unworthy
And right on to ours
I'm after you...
Friday, 31 July 2009 A night at the collective called Trollsvansen
Wednesday, 22 July 2009 "Deceiver"
You can't deny it!
So let the war begin
You're far from innocent
Hell I just don't know where it will end
You are the one to blame
You made a habit of
Fucking up my life (ow!)
Another fallacy
Is laid in front of me
Now I just don't know
What to believe
Another animal
Sent to devour what-
Ever's left inside
I know now!
It's all been a lie
And I'll never come to know why
Awoke to discover
You leaving me now
It's all been a lie
I don't ever want to know why
You've mastered the art of
Deceiving me now.
A mortal enemy
Has been revealed in me
How come I wasn't able to see
Another vampire
Getting their fix from
Sucking up my life (OW!)
An evil entity
Had taken hold of me
Ripped out my heart and started to feed
I still remember when
I thought that all you were
Eating was my pride
This idiot won't let me go
Slowly penetrating the mind
I tell you now, my little puppet
You'll suffer me
You don't want to let me go
Till I've taken over your life
I'll ensure you survive
Little puppet don't die
Let me, let me die
Little puppet don't die
Let me, let me die
Little toy don't die
Thursday, 9 July 2009 Drama
first page of a manuscript
not complete but full of life
a life that struggles on
Seems like the drama never ends
a there are still words untold
the easy parts seem so far away
so far away
My own play, my own play
the show has reached the end
the curtains closing down
Still alone on this stage
i've played my tragic parts
now i'm just waiting for the end
the end that takes me away
Looks like the last page is reached
and the light is fading out
but the show must keep on going
and the show goes on
My own play, my own play
the show has reached the end
the curtains closing down
Wednesday, 24 June 2009 Together, we'll rise above this..
Take the light and darken everything around me
Call the clowns and listen closely I'm lost without you
Call your name everyday when I feel so helpless
I've fallen down but I'll rise above this, rise above this
Hate the mind, regrets are better left unspoken
For all we know, this void will grow
Everything's in vain, distressing you though it leaves me open
Feels so right but I'll end this all before it gets me
Call your name everyday when I feel so helpless
I'm fallen down but I'll rise above this, rise above this
Call your name everyday when I seem so helpless
I'm fallen down, and I'll rise above this, rise above this doubt
I'll mend myself before it gets me
(I'll mend myself before it gets me)
I'll mend myself before it gets me
(I'll mend myself before it gets me)
Call your name everyday when I feel so helpless
I'm fallen down but I'll rise above this, rise above this
Forty eight ways to say that I'm feeling helpless
I'm falling down, and I'll rise above this,
Rise above this,
Rise above this,
Rise above this doubt.
Monday, 8 June 2009 'tis time.
I've been playing it for over 4 years now and it's been jolly good times.
But a while back, I grew tired of it and took a break a few good weeks. But eventually, the addict in me craved for more of it, so I went back.
I started raiding, and it was great fun.. for a while. Then the wind whispered about a realm, an RP realm, that had everything you could ask for when it comes to RP. And sure, it was a good RP realm, but it just didn't work for me. All them other players, the people that I knew, had people to actually roleplay with, witch they seem to do all the time.
Added to this, people also being to busy with other things, like raiding or instancing.
Other than this, any attempt in casual "world RP" is non existing, when I approach random roleplayers in any way, I get ignored by them, because they don't seem to want to play with anyone they don't know.
This makes it pretty damn close to impossible to actually do anything at all on the realm.
So I do what I used to do back on my old realm. I walk around pointlessly, just making time go by.
And if you ask me, thats a pretty fucking big waste of money.
So, I think the time has come to put my World of Whorecraft account on the shelf. I know It's been said before, but this time I think it is for real. All I do is to log on, sit around for a few hours, then log out. And that's just no fun.
Anyone have any good idea of any other fun game to kill my time with?
Any proposal will be appreciated.
Saturday, 25 April 2009 Second Night.
I wonder for how long a human can survive without sleep.
We'll get to know it soon enough, in worst case.
They spin me round in a rotting womb.
They let me see inside this tomb.
That I am bittered and I'm nothing that they like.
But I have plans yet still untold.
To buy me in a land of old.
A beautiful grave to hide my dreary soul, inside.
Saturday, 18 April 2009 Meh.
min väg var aldrig din
och i spåren som jag lämnar efter mig
så finns det ingenting
jag vänder aldrig blicken bakom mig
så brinn historia brinn
och svaret på din fråga blir alltid nej
du betyder ingenting
Saturday, 28 March 2009 Gift from The Bildook!

Hmm.. For some reason it's not animating as it should.
try this URL instead.
Thursday, 19 March 2009 Thoughts about the last post.
Or is it?
Wednesday, 18 March 2009 Rage.
Then I noticed that "My Super Sweet 16" was on MTV in the background.
It all makes sense then.
I'w willing to spend the rest of my life exterminating every god-damned bitch ass of those spoiled bitches. They have everything, more or less, and their fucked up parents pays for everything them freaks want.
And they still have the god-damned guts to bitch about how everything in their life sucks. So they screw their fathers and blackmail them so that he must put up a fuckhuge party - just for them.
I go into ragemode, just freezing up infront of the tv. Building up rage and unable to move until it ends.
People like them makes me lose all hope for this world. This planet will never recover and flourish aslong as those fucks walk the planet.
Now some bitch is going to hire personal protection for herself.
Why would anyone ever want to harm a totally unknown bit-... Oh, I see. Nevermind.
She also gets a new Porsche. And a Custom job on it. Just the custom jub will cost more than 100 grand. That's more than the god-damned car itself.
And NOW her dad said "I don't know.. this might be a bit over the top."
But he still said yes! God-damned fuckface.
And she's arriving to the party by helicopter. And two more for her two friends.
I can't take this!
The tv is going out the window if I keep watching.
I can't think of anything that I hate more than those people.
Not even Paris Hilton.
Tuesday, 17 March 2009 Hms.
Comments on the new layout, please.
Not sure if it's a stay or not yet.
Monday, 9 March 2009 I saw the silver lining hidden in a mushroom cloud.
I'm chaos international
The writing on the wall
A Lazarus in parable
A dark and sullen lullaby
Whispered softly as you die
Promising torments are nigh
Danger warning levels hissed out loud
I saw the silver lining hidden in a mushroom cloud
Now I'm reeling from the shock at ground zero
If yesterday you would have stood up proud
Then why tonight have you thrown in with the stoning crowd?
I'll breathe through the foetus of a new day kicking...
The foetus of a new day kicking
It's true that Jesus cannot save
I'm rising from the grave
To put my double cross to shame
A poison rush, a heart attack
A white assassin painted black
You'll fear this reaper coming back
Danger warning levels hissed out loud
I saw the silver lining hidden in a mushroom cloud
Now I'm reeling from the shock at ground zero
If yesterday you would have stood up proud
Then why tonight have you thrown in with the stoning crowd?
I'll breathe through the foetus of a new day kicking...
On a night like this
You laid the serpent's kiss
In this garden of Gethsemane
You played the traitor well...
In a dawn to come
I will blind the sun
To grant you pardon as my enemy
Before damning you to hell...
Still I'm dying with every step I take, but I don't look back
Maybe we could make it all right
We could make it better sometime
Maybe we could make it happen baby
We could keep trying
but things will never change
So I don't look back
Still I'm dying with every step I take
But I don't look back
Just a little, little bit better
Good enough to waste some time
Tell me would it make you happy baby
We could keep trying
but things will never change
So I don't look back
Still I'm dying with every step I take
But I don't look back
We could keep trying
but things will never change
So I don't look back
Still I'm dying with every step I take
But I don't look back
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
Saturday, 21 February 2009 Things I love.
Warhammer Dawn of War 2 - Multiplayer Mode, I kind-a love it.
Wednesday, 11 February 2009 Its just another day for you, you and me in Paradise.
She calls out to the man on the street
sir, can you help me?
Its cold and Ive nowhere to sleep,
Is there somewhere you can tell me?
He walks on, doesnt look back
He pretends he cant hear her
Starts to whistle as he crosses the street
Seems embarrassed to be there
Oh think twice, its another day for
You and me in paradise
Oh think twice, its just another day for you,
You and me in paradise
She calls out to the man on the street
He can see shes been crying
Shes got blisters on the soles of her feet
Cant walk but shes trying
Oh think twice...
Oh lord, is there nothing more anybody can do
Oh lord, there must be something you can say
You can tell from the lines on her face
You can see that shes been there
Probably been moved on from every place
cos she didnt fit in there
Oh think twice...
Wednesday, 28 January 2009 Bara för att jag kan.
Gör den gärna själva också.
Oh, and sorry for the language of retardation.
01. Stänger du av mobilen när du sover?
Nej. Annars kommer jag inte till jobbet.
02. Vem såg dig senast naken?
Rent teoretiskt sett, Jag själv.
03. Hur såg du ut på högstadiet?
Inte alls?
04. Hur kommer du se ut om tjugo år?
tjugo år äldre, med stor förmodan.
05. Hur var du på dagis?
Gick inte på dagis, gick hos dagmamma. Där fick jag pinnar i huvudet.
06. Hur är du att ha som arbetskamrat?
Jag överlämnar denna fråga till närmaste arbetskamrat.
07. Har du celluliter?
08. Biter du på naglarna?
Nej, men river.
09. Har du något handikapp?
Mitt musikberoende skulle nog kunna klassas som handikapp.
10. Är du rädd för att få hängbröst?
Nej, jag skulle finna det rätt underhållande om jag skulle få det.
11. Tror du att gud är en man eller en kvinna?
Gud är en Dooz.
12. Svär du?
Hela jävla fucking tiden, för helvete!
13. Är du trevlig mot Jehovas Vittnen?
Otroligt. Jag brukar be dom komma in på kaffe och fikabröd, men då går dom bara.
14. Hur homo är du på en skala 1 - 10?
15. Tror du på utomjordningar?
Lätt. Tyranids!
16. Om du var tvungen att välja en maträtt som du måste äta varje dag livet ut, vad väljer du?
Picasso, eller Acapulco.
17. Vilken mat är den största missen att bjuda dig på?
Det mesta med fisk.
18. Har du blivit arresterad?
19. Ljuger du?
För jag ljuger så braa!
20. Har du kysst en polis?
Inte vad jag vet.
21. Är du rädd för Securitasvakter?
Lika rädd för dom som för Jehovas.
22. Har du någonting att dölja?
23. Vad har du på din nyckelknippa?
En 12m Boaorm.
24. Är du / har du varit gift?
25. Skulle du gå upp klockan tre på natten för att hämta pojkvännen från krogen?
Jag har inte nån pojkvän.
26. Kan du laga cyklar?
Nej, men jag kan fan i mig ha sönder dom!
27. Kan du fixa med bilar?
Nej. Men jag kan nog ha sönder dom med, om jag får prova!
28. Brukar du köra om?
Aye, men enbart med min egen uppfödda kamel.
29. Kan du baka bröd?
Det kan jag säkert. På nått vis iaf.
30. Vet du hur man frostar av en frys?
Frågan är... Vet DU det?
31. Vilken tvserie skulle du helst leva i?
Monday, 26 January 2009 Erm..
But hey, you know me. Doing things I should is not my style, after all.
Friday, 9 January 2009 Again..
There's a hundred ways to write it, but I can't really be arsed. Atleast not now.
Maybe in a near future.
I'll just let this lyric speak for itself.
And I am aware now of how
everything’s gonna be fine one day
Too late, I’m in hell
I am prepared now,
seems everyone’s gonna be fine
One day too late; just as well
Tuesday, 6 January 2009 God-a Fucking Damn it.
The only way to ever get any form of freetime is to pretty much run away from home. Like Asrahn and Janevas place. Who finally moved into town, god bless them for that.
And if I run away, even for just 1 day, I get a sms with "Where are you?", "When are you coming home?" or "You never stay at home".
Oh really? I wonder why.
I'm so god damned sick and tired of this bullshit.
Wish I could just.. Get my own place and keep it in complete chaos, just to piss them off since they can't do jack shit about it.