Tuesday 6 January 2009 God-a Fucking Damn it.

I just love how my dear mother thinks I should clean the house every god damn second that I'm not at work.
The only way to ever get any form of freetime is to pretty much run away from home. Like Asrahn and Janevas place. Who finally moved into town, god bless them for that.

And if I run away, even for just 1 day, I get a sms with "Where are you?", "When are you coming home?" or "You never stay at home".
Oh really? I wonder why.

I'm so god damned sick and tired of this bullshit.
Wish I could just.. Get my own place and keep it in complete chaos, just to piss them off since they can't do jack shit about it.


Beldak said...

If you'd get your own place, could I sleep amongst your chaos?

Unknown said...

If you got your own place Dooz i'd be living in the place with in a week :P Or ill sneak in and live under your bed and come out at night when your asleep xD

Eyezek (A somewhat fucked up form of Isaac) said...

Dags för Danmark? :> Hörde att det finns asmycket jobb där.

Fast då får du leva med att vi kommer och pestar dig typ varannan helg. <3

Janeva said...

Kom hit när du vill Dooz. Inga problem. :>